
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Someday is Now

Each of us have been given unique gifts, talents, and desires to be integrated into society. When we refrain from sharing our God-given talents, we rob society of God’s intentions, including telling others about the truth of the Gospel. To think, neglecting to use my talents could prevent someone from spending eternity in heaven… that’s serious business. With all this in mind, I am determined to get back into a regular writing schedule. The bonus of a structured writing routine is what win-win situation as I will be earning an extra income. My self-value will rise exponentially as I will be financially comfortable. I’ve been writing since I was 8 years old and constantly told I am a great writer. Yet that pesky voice of self-doubt is relentless in convincing me I am not good at writing and even more discouraging, a writing career requires persistence, patience, and a lot of time before I actually earn some income. This is incredibly frustrating, knowing if I would have fought this self doubt 30 years ago, I would be completely living the dream right now.

And so today is the day when my writing transitions from a hobby to a career. With God’s strength and power within me, I cannot fail. Besides, anything is better than escaping into sleep,  wasting my life. My advice to readers is to push past the self-doubt, and follow the desires in your heart. You deserve to live your full potential.

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