
Monday, May 21, 2018

Social Security Mistake Brings Peace

Going on the third week after receiving the Social Security letter informing me not only would my SSDI be cutting my monthly income by nearly 25%, my June check will barely cover my rent since they are taking out the total overpayments in one check.

To say I have been petrified is an understatement. I am alone meaning I have no relatives to help me. In fact, I have 6 major disabilities where I struggle with and daily living activities are challenging. The older I get, the less control I have over my body. Fortunately, I have been independent for my entire adult life, but my body is declining. Since I fall approximately twice per week, I have a Service Dog named, Jireh, meaning "the Lord will Provide". Jireh has been with me over 7 years and is truly my best friend. She goes everywhere with me, and is my life companion. With this cut in my check, I can't afford to keep Jireh. I will barely receive enough money to pay rent and electricity. 

So I made plans to send Jireh to a good friend who has money to take care of her as she deserves. As for me, I planned to lay in bed for the rest of my life.

There is one caveat- I dedicated my life to Jesus on May, 15, 1983. My life is not my life... I gave my life to Jesus, meaning I strive to follow Him and glorify God with my life.

This means I can't wave the white flag and give up. Period. No exceptions.

Fortunately, some extraordinary friends have stepped up and agreed to help me cover June's bills. Also, I have a few credentials, such as being a Licensed Mental Health Counselor,  a Biblical scholar and a published author of several books and numerous technical papers.
This morning, my infinite number of calls and emails resulted in a Social Security Supervisor calling me to set up a court hearing. An hour later, I understood Social Security made a mistake 3 months ago in increasing my income. Since then, my rent has increased by $70. It's a mess.

Bottom line - After hearing the lady trying every resource to help me (all of which I have contacted to no avail), a sense of resolution washed over me. I interrupted her and said, "Ma'am...I hear you trying everything to help me, and I am so thankful for that. An honest mistake was made. I am not eligible for the income I have been receiving."... she replied, "I am so sorry... I am trying everything to help you..." I stopped her by continuing, "Ma'am, you have helped me mentally. You have explained the situation and tried everything you could. Thank you. I am going to be fine. I have a strong faith in God, and He has taken care of me my entire life. God has this," and I thanked her again, wishing her a great day.

Some people will think that is giving up. But no... for me, I got the chance to glorify God. And with my time and talents, I will earn extra money freelance writing about how amazing God is. After all, that is why I was created.

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