
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Suicide - Heaven or Hell?

A couple of people have asked if I believe people who commit suicide go to hell. Here is my brief answer:
I assure you (as I have researched suicide for years), if he was saved, he is with Jesus. Suicide is a sin, but there is only one unforgivable sin - not accepting Jesus as Savior. If he wasn't saved, you never know what happened at the last minute. Last year, I overdosed on pills and went into like a fog - doctor said I was on death's door- and I saw a very bright light - I could see the outline of Jesus but the light shining from Him was so bright, I could see no physical substance to Him. If you research near death experiences, you will find this is common. Anyway, I had a brief conversation with Jesus... and He convinced me to stay here until I finished the work He had created me for. I know it sounds crazy, but it was truly divine. For this reason, I believe we never fully know if someone is saved at the time of their death. 

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